I’ve had this website up for about two months and this is my first post. Hmm, either I’m really a slacker or I’ve “just been so busy” that I haven’t had time to actually write about something, especially something that is (with any luck!) interesting.
My guess is that, like me, you often – if not always – give friends and clients (and even family) that line about being so busy that you haven’t had time to “________” (fill in the blank here, usually something they’ve asked you to do….)
In designing and building websites, not only is there currently a great deal of demand, especially for fully mobile-responsive sites (which is my specialty), but anything related to the worldwide web (that’s the www in a website, ya know) is in a constantly-evolving state. Which means that a web designer or web developer has to spend (or should be spending) a lot of time online. Now you know what I’ve been doing! From researching whether to use a content management system (CMS) or not to keeping up with SEO trends, it never ends.
Next time, some results and recommendations from my research. Stay tuned.
~ Karen